II Rogaine in Cap de Creus – Espanjassa


Minua pyydettiin välittämään viestiä rogainingina Suomessa harrastaville. Marraskuussa on Kataloniassa Välimeren rannalla Ranskan rajan tuntumassa tarjolla seuraavanlainen tapahtuma:

Dear people,
On Novembre 8th Port de la Selva (Costa Brava) will hold the II Rogaine in Cap de Creus.

Contestants will have a choice of a 3h race (popular, from 1 to 5 people) or a 6h race (official, from 2 to 5 people) that is linked to Agrees of Rogaines of Copa Catalana and to the League of Rogaines O’Pyrenee.

The cartographers Marian Cotirta, Ionut Zinca and Andreea Zinca were the responsibles for elaborating the map for the first Rogaine in December 2012.
The map scale for this Rogaine is 1:20.000 with equidistant curves of 10m and a surface of 32km2. There is also an unevenness of the ground starting at sea level and reaching a height of 432 m.

The cartographers have done a great job by covering the key points concerning vegetation and other basic elements required for a successful orientation. As this is a Rogaine race, the map follows a general basic scale so it does not include exhaustive details that are typical of other races.
Nevertheless, if you are willing to spend an unforgettable day orientating and finding milestones around the unique environment of Cap de Creus, you need to join us on Novembre 8th at Port de la Selva.

You will soon hear from us at:


Looking forward to meeting you there,


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